Cuadro facultativo

Un equipo multidisciplinar de primer nivel que distribuye su tiempo en tres ámbitos: asistencia, docencia e investigación.

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Especialistas de alto nivel
Más de 500 profesionales trabajamos en la Fundació Puigvert con dedicación y empeño para ofrecer el mejor trato médico y humano a nuestros pacientes. Nuestro equipo facultativo está integrado por especialistas en urología, nefrología, andrología, ginecología, anatomía patológica, endocrinología, biología, anestesiología, radiología, psicología clínica, farmacología…, garantizando que cada caso sea abordado desde una perspectiva integral y multidisciplinar.
De acuerdo con los tres pilares de nuestra actividad: la asistencia médica, la docencia y la investigación, la mayoría de los facultativos reparten su tiempo en estos tres ámbitos para garantizar la mejora continua y una medicina de excelencia. Por ello, la formación continuada, el desarrollo profesional y la transmisión de conocimiento a las nuevas generaciones, son valores esenciales que guían nuestra labor diaria en beneficio de las personas que cuidamos y del conjunto de la sociedad.
Oriol Angerri

Dr Oriol Angerri is the Head of the Lithiasis Unit. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and specialised in urology from Fundació Puigvert. He has more than 15 years of experience as a urologist and extensive training in different specialty areas. He was awarded several grants for his academic […]

Oncological urology
Alberto Breda

Dr Alberto Breda is the Head of the Oncological Urology Unit and of the Kidney Transplantation Surgical Team at Fundació Puigvert. Graduado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Università degli Studi di Padova (1999), cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia y una amplia formación. Destaca por ser pionero en la cirugía de trasplante […]

Paediatric urology
Anna Bujons Tur

Dr Anna Bujons is the Head of the Paediatric Urology Unit. She holds a PhD in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and is a specialist in Urology. She received her PhD Cum Laude in June 2011 from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) with the thesis entitled "Sexuality in spina bifida". She […]

Esteban Emiliani Sanz

Dr Esteban Emiliani is an Attending Physician at the Lithiasis Unit. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia), completed his urology residency at Fundació Puigvert, which is attached to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and obtained the FEBU (Fellow of the European Board of Urology) title. This title […]

Functional Urology, Female Urology and Urodynamics
Carlos Errando Smet

Dr Carlos Errando is the Head of the Functional Urology, Female Urology and Urodynamics Unit. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona in 1989 and completed his Urology residency at Fundació Puigvert in 1995. In 2015, he presented his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona. In 1996, he took up […]

Urology Department
Lluís Gausa Gascón

Dr Lluís Gausa is the Medical and Healthcare Director and Attending Physician of the Urology Department. He holds a degree in Medicine and General Surgery from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and is a specialist in urology. As a Medical and Healthcare Director, he is responsible for ensuring the safety and quality of patient […]

Oncological urology
Josep Maria Gaya Sopena

Dr Josep Maria Gaya is an Attending Physician at the Oncological Urology Unit. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and specialised in oncological urology, laparoscopic surgery and oncological surgery at Fundació Puigvert. He completed his training in uro-oncology and basic research at Columbia […]

Female Sexual Dysfunction
Mónica González Fernández

Dr Mónica González is the Head of the Female Sexual Dysfunction Unit at Fundació Puigvert-Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. She has a degree in General Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and is a specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the Hospital de la […]

Nephrology Department
Lluís Guirado Perich

Dr Lluís Guirado is the Director of the Nephrology Department. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona (1986), specialised in Nephrology (1990) and obtained his PhD in Medicine and Surgery from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2010). He holds a master's degree in Healthcare Team Management from the Universitat Autònoma de […]

Urology Department
Félix Millán Rodríguez

Dr Félix Millán is the Chief Clinical Officer of the Urology Department. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery, specialised in Urology and obtained a PhD in Medicine and Surgery. He also holds a master's degree in Design and Statistics in Health Sciences. He is a renowned specialist in Urology and Integrative Medicine, which encompasses conventional […]

Reconstructive and General Urology
María Montlleó González

Dr María Montlleó is an attending physician at the Reconstructive and General Urology Unit. She graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona (1986) and specialised in Urology through MIR residency at Fundació Puigvert between 1988 and 1992. With more than 25 years of experience, her main healthcare activity is focused on the medical […]

Urology Department
Joan Palou Redorta

Dr Joan Palou is the Director of the Urology Department. With his more than 30 years of experience and extensive training in oncological urology, he stands out among the international scientific community in the treatment of bladder and prostate cancer. As a pioneer in using robot-assisted surgery and urological laparoscopy in our country, he was the […]

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