Services and specialities

We perform all medical and surgical procedures in the fields of urology, nephrology, andrology and reproductive medicine, from the disorders of least concern to those of the greatest complexity and specialisation.

Our areas of attention

Fundació Puigvert is among the European hospitals with the greatest volume of specialised healthcare services. It operates with one of the broadest and most innovative technological platforms of Spain’s public and private healthcare systems. 


We provide care with an advanced, integrative and multidisciplinary approach in the study, diagnosis and treatment of male sexual and reproductive health, both for the patient and his partner. Founded in 1970, our trailblazing Andrology Department in Spain and the world offers a unique and genuine approach to this specialty.

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Reproductive medicine

We provide a multidisciplinary approach to using cutting-edge techniques of artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation.

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We provide groundbreaking care of clinical excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of any kidney disorder, including orphan kidney diseases. Apart from being the first Nephrology Department in Spain, which was established in 1955, the Fundació Puigvert was a trailblazing hospital in promoting a living donor kidney transplant programme.

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Servicios Asistenciales Transversales

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We provide comprehensive urological care with a 360º approach. Founded as an institution that was almost exclusively devoted to urology, we boast more than half a century of experience and have a first-class medical team as well as cutting-edge technology for the diagnosis and treatment of all urogenital disorders.

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Human team
Specialised units
Emergencies /year


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The Fundació Puigvert opens a cafeteria for patients and their companions

The Fundació Puigvert has set up a cafeteria under the Livingfoodconcept, in order to provide patients, relatives, companions and professionals at our hospital with a culinary proposal focused on people's health and wellbeing. The management and service of the new space, which is located in the main lobby and can be accessed from Cartagena Street […]

Dr. Alberto Breda performs the world's first transcontinental partial nephrectomy, from Bordeaux to Beijing, via tele-surgery

The surgery, performed a week ago, involved the removal of a kidney tumor through remote robotic surgery, carried out from Bordeaux (France) to Beijing (China), over 8,000 km apart. The patient was discharged the day after surgery and, one week later, is recovering at home without complications. Alberto Breda has set a historic milestone at […]

Fields of supraspecialisation

We have a broad portfolio of services and a high level of specialisation (or supra-specialisation) in six areas which respond to specific medical and surgical needs