Professional area

Learn about the research of Fundació Puigvert and the training initiatives it offers. Decide whether you want to join.

Master’s degree in Clinical Andrology

The Master’s degree in Clinical Andrology of Fundació Puigvert – Universitat de Vic-UCC provides students with required skills in the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the male reproductive system at different life stages. A groundbreaking training initiative in Spain, the degree prepares those obtaining it for the certification exam of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) in order to obtain the title of clinical andrologist.

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  • #SomPuigvert

    Proporcionamos una asistencia integral de excelencia clínica y humana en urología, nefrología, andrología y medicina reproductiva, mientras promovemos el desarrollo y la transferencia del conocimiento científico de nuestras especialidades con actividades de investigación, docencia, formación continua, divulgación y educación para la salud.

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  • Nueva Unidad Avanzada de Diálisis 

    La Fundació Puigvert, centro de referencia nacional e internacional en enfermedades renales, nefropatías sistémicas e hipertensión (HTA), pone en marcha su nueva Unidad Avanzada de Diálisis con la visita institucional del Conseller de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Hble. Josep Maria Argimon i Pallàs.
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  • Cirugía Robótica

    Pionera en numerosos avances en Urología, Nefrología y Andrología, la Fundació Puigvert lidera en España la robotización de la cirugía. Actualmente, la mitad de su bloque quirúrgico está robotizado.
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  • 18º Curso de Andrología 

    Celebrado junto con el 12º Congreso Europeo de Andrología, el 18º Curso de Andrología de la Fundació Puigvert ofrece una actualización de todos aquellos temas relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva del hombre con la participación de destacados especialistas nacionales nacionales e internacionales.

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Teaching and training

Since its creation, Fundació Puigvert has shown a clear vocation for teaching. In 1967, it was established as a school for the specialisation of postgraduates, officially recognising the significant teaching activities of Antoni Puigvert and his team of collaborators. Over the years, this vocation for teaching has extended to other teaching initiatives and training of health sciences: university studies, teaching programme for resident interns for the training of specialists in nephrology and urology, ongoing training courses and other training initiatives.

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We are part of the Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute (IIB-Sant Pau) and collaborate with the pharmaceutical industry and that of biomedical equipment manufacturers in the areas of basic, clinical and translational research. Our mission is to take the results of our research to clinical practice in order to improve prognosis, survival and quality of life.  

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Why work at Puigvert?

Here is why:

Because we are a renowned hospital in relation to urology, nephrology, andrology and reproductive medicine.
Because we promote development and knowledge: training, teaching and research.
Because of the benefits: day care, gym, medical insurance, financial aid for day care, transportation, etc.
Because we are firmly committed to a zero tolerance policy towards all types of discrimination, especially gender-based harassment.
Because we reinforce our four underlying criteria: Equal opportunity – Teamwork – Respect – Empathy.
Because you, too, can be part of the #SomPuigvert team.

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We are acclaimed by medical and scientific societies

Nationally and internationally renowned centre within our fields of specialisation.

If you have any questions, suggestions or non-medical queries, please contact us.

    Or call us at +34 93 416 97 00

    Si tienes alguna pregunta, sugerencia o consulta no médica, por favor, rellena el siguiente formulario. Te responderemos lo antes posible.